Friday, November 20, 2009

50/50 parenting

Being a parent is a tough yet rewarding job. It is very important for both parents to participate in raising the children.  Too many times, I hear mothers say "I DO EVERYTHING FOR THE CHILDREN. MY PARTNER DOESN'T DO THIS OR THAT." I am always shocked because even though I am a stay at home mom, my husband does just as much as I do. My husband is the "bread winner" in our family and we love him for that! But, he is also very involved in raising our Queen. Ever since he went back to work after our baby was one week old, I have had night duty and he morning duty. I have always been a night owl who loves to sleep during the day. He is an early riser and loves doing things during the day. Now that my queen sleeps through the night, I still wake up to change her diaper at about 2am so she won't have a soaked diaper. She stays asleep during this process by the way, (I change her in the crib). Then I go back to bed knowing my hubby will take over in the morning. I am also the one who gets up if she cries in the middle of the night when she is sick; unless it is the weekend when we switch duties. I think it is very important for my husband to be well rested for work so he can excel at his job. I have the privilege of napping during the day when my little queen naps.
We also alternate bath duty. One night I give her a bath and get her ready for bed, then the next night it's hubby's turn.
We have always said that we want our children to love us equally and know that no parent is better than the other. My husband is very "nuturing and loving" just like me. I am very "playful and funny" just like my hubby. We do not have roles based on our gender.
I believe that in life, people will do what you allow them to do. So if you allow your partner to get away with coming home from work and not helping with the kids, then why should they change.  Being a stay at home mom is very hard. You lack adult contact and coversations. You even lack going outside some days. You are with the child/ren all day. Some times, you need a break to just be alone to relax without having to worry about caring for the baby. My husband knows this. When he gets home from work, he takes right over if there isn't any office work he has to complete. If there is, he finishes up his work and then takes over. He also cooks dinner (almost) every night. I run the house hold operations; like making sure all the laundry is done, all necesseties are in the house (check out my must have list), the bills are paid, food is in the house, dishes are done and he has everything he needs. Sometimes I fall short on my dish and laundry duties and vice versa. It's ok when this happens and we know that.
My hubby has to go away a lot for work and I do not complain because I am not overwhelmed with my mommy duties. Due to his help. Any time he wants to go out with friends, I am ok with that because he is such a great father and hubby! I was raised without having a dad and my hubby was raised without having a mother, but we know how we want to raise our children since we missed out on having both parents. It breaks my heart when people make it sound as though mothers are the most important parent. Both parents are equally important!! When children are raised seeing both parents actively parenting, this will only boost their self-esteem, knowledge and ability to love. When parenting is done postively, so many great things happen for all parties involved.
Single parenting is extremely hard. My mother was a single parent of eight with no daddy involved. She did her best, but she could have used alot of help that she didn't get. Which in turn, affected all of her children's lives.
I hope that everyone reading this demands more from there partners when it comes to paretning. Even if you are no longer together. Your children deserve the best from both parents. Just because one parent is the "bread winner" and the other stays home, that doesn't excuse them from being a parent. Remember, the parent that stays home, is working too. 50/50 parenting is a must if you want the best in life for yourself, family and child!!! Demand equally parenting!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Organizing Your Life

If anyone has any questions on how to become more organized, please do not hesitate to ask.  Organizing is something I love to do. Ask my hubby, he is a happier man because of my organizing skills.

When organizing your home, start with one area.  For ex. the kitchen pantry. First, Clear out the pantry, Check the dates on the products. Get rid of any thing you no longer use. Clean the items that you are keeping (wipe off dust).  Clean the pantry from the top to the bottom and desiginate special shelves for each product. For ex, boxes would go on one shelf and cans on another and snackes etc. on another. Have everything facing the same way. The can labels should be facing outward. Make sure when you make changes to anything in your home, you let everyone that lives there know of the changes.

Part of being organized is always having what you will always need at home. Here is a list of some things that I think you should always have ample supplies of.
Please Feel Free to add to the list.

These are good to buy in bulk at BJ's, Costco, etc.

  • tooth paste
  • tooth brushes
  • floss
  • mouth wash
  • toliet paper
  • hand and body soap
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Shaving cream (for hubby or if you shave)
  • razors (for hubby or if you shave)
  • feminie pads
  • Deodorant
  • lotion
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Formula
First aid supplies:
  • Alcohol
  • Peroxide
  • oinments
  • Guaze
  • Band-aids
  • eye wash
  • poison control number
  • CPR instructions
  • Emergency numbers 
House safety:
  • Smoke and carbon Monoxide detectors on every floor and in certain areas
  • Fire Extinguishers on every floor and always in Kitchen and by Boiler
  • Saftey escape plan
  • An extra key to your home some where close (friend, neighbor or a hiding spot)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

To anyone buying toys for children. Please read this first!!!

Health group finds high lead levels in toys.

Barbie, Disney, Dora the explorer and other toys are among the list.

Midnight madness at Tanger outlets

Hello everyone, if you plan on shopping after thanksgiving dinner, Tanger outlet in Riverhead, NY and Deer Park, NY is having a really great sale. Go to Enjoy!

Monday, November 16, 2009

looking to start a mom or soon to be mom book club. Dads are welcome!

Hello Everyone,
I am looking to start a book club for parents. We would meet once a month to discuss the book. The books would be based on parenting, family, relationships, nutrition, etc. If anyone is interested, please let me know.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Great Children's catalogues

  • One Step Ahead
  • Sensational Beginnings
  • Toys to Grow on
  • Constructive Playthings

Maclaren Strollers Recalled

Anyone that owns a Maclaren Stroller:

1 million Maclaren strollers recalled. If you have one please check that yours wasn't part of the recall. There were serious injuries reported. Children's fngers are getting amputated on the strollers hinges. These strollers were sold from 1999- present. Stop using your stroller until you get a repair kit. Look on the Maclaren website. Keep those babies safe! Their website address is I don't have the number yet. Will post it when I get it.

Giving meds to families in need

If anyone is interested in donating please leave a message and I will tell you where to send the items to. Thanks, a Million!

Free Healthcare for People in Need

Help RotaCare obtain Over-the-Counter medications through your various community or religious organizations.  
We would be so grateful for your help.

Over the Counter Medications Needed

Tylenol 500mg
Motrin or Advil
Ecotrin 81 Mg
Antifungal Creams, Lotrimin tubes
Hydrocortisone Cream
Bengay Cream
Gas X
Metrogel Vag cream
Vagistat, Monistat Vag Cream
Preparation H Suppositories 
Debrox Ear Wax Remover

  • Mylanta liquid
  • Zantac 
  • Robitussin DM
  • Vitamins: Calcium with D, Iron
  • Adult Multi-vitamins 
  • Benadryl Tabs
  • Sudafed Tabs
  • Metamucil Powder 
  • Pepto-Bismol liquid
  • Triple Antibiotic Cream
  • Ensure

Note:  Generic brands are fine.  Small to medium bottles or tubes.  

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Great Parenting magazines

  • Parents
  • Parenting
  • Kiwi
  • Fit Pregnancy
  • Cookie
  • American Baby
  • Baby Talk
  • Mothering 

This weekend, 11/14, enjoy Parents Magazine Concert Series.

I am hoping to take Milana to this since we will be in the city. Her first concert! Let me know if anyone is interested in going so we can meet up.

Parents Join us for Father Goose at The Filmore at Irving Plaza in NYC. Get Ready to Rock to his Caribbean tunes — one week away on Saturday, November 14th! Doors will open at 9:15 a.m. For more details and ticket information, visit:

blog site

Please be sure to become a follower and comment on any post. Please send me your email because I am going to make this a private blog soon. Thanks. have a great day! More to come.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Great Books to read

Raising Cain. By Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson.  Anyone who is raising a little boy or pregnant and may have a boy, should read this book. It's ok for boys to be in touch with their emotional side. 

Reading Magic By Mem Fox and Judy Horacek. Reading  to your child is very important. It is never too early to start. Actually the earlier the better so, start when your pregnant. 

Your Best Life Now for Moms by Joel Osteen.  A great book for parents to read. It always seems to amaze me how some parents talk to their children. You are the first people that have a huge impact in your children lives. Your child's self-esteem, drive and success begins with you, the parents. Please speak  positive things to your children and do not compare them to your other children or other children in general. If they are getting on your "nerves," take a breather before you say something negative to them. Also, even if your are talking to someone else about your child, your child can hear you! So again, be positive!  Please.

Healthy Child Healthy World By Christpher Gavigan. An all around excellent book!!!!

Raising Baby Green By Dr. Alan Greene. Great for Pregnant moms and parents that  want to raise a healthy child .

Becoming Babywise: By Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam
Babywise was my parenting bible and why my baby girl is on a schedule. This book was a gift  given to me by a good friend as soon as she found out I was pregnant. This is the most helpful book I read during motherhood!!! It makes so much sense and when followed correctly, made my life so much easier. Milana started sleeping 12 hours at night at 13 weeks, on July 4, 2009. She takes three naps a day for 1 and a half to two hours for two naps and  1 or 1 and a half hour nap for her third nap. She is on a feeding schedule, so when she cries, I don't have to guess if she is crying because she's hungry or thirsty or because her diaper is dirty. I know if she cries and it isn't her nap time, she's not hungry and her diaper isn't dirty that something is wrong. An amazing book!!!!!!!! It is the first of the series. By the way, hubby loves this book and follows it along with me.

The Mocha Mom's Manual by Kimberly Seals-allers 

Skinny Bitch Bun in the Oven: A Guide to becoming one hot and healthy mother! - by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. Great for pregnant moms.